Kimberly Wilson checking out some traditional transportation in Fez, Morocco fall 2013
Thanks to the generosity Prof. Caesar E. Farrah, late professor of Arabic language and history, Asian Languages and Literatures is pleased to announce a new scholarship for students of Arabic. Through the Middle East Outreach Consortium (MEOC) scholarship, students receive support for a year of Arabic language study. This year we have two recipients: Benjamin Eischens and Kimberly Wilson. Benjamin, a Linguistics major and Asian Languages and Literatures minor, focusing in Arabic, is currently working on his second year of Arabic at the University. Beyond the standard language classes, Benjamin also applied his knowledge of Arabic in a research paper for his "Languages of the World" course last fall. He is planning to study abroad next year. Last semester, Kimberly, a Political Science and Global Studies double major, went to the Arabic Language Institute in Fez, Morocco to continue her Arabic studies. In addition to her class work, she used Arabic in her daily interaction with her host family and other people in Fez, including when she volunteered at a shelter for abused young girls. Congratulations to Benjamin and Kimberly.